Sederhana dan efisien, ini adalah aplikasi yang berguna - jika Anda tidak keberatan direcoki dengan pop-up. PDF995 menggunakan open-source GNU Ghostscript utilitas untuk mengkonversi file dokumen ke format PDF. Selama pengujian, kami terkesan dengan kecepatan konversi program dan kualitas dokumen yang dikonversi. Program ini bekerja dengan mulus, menginstal sebuah "virtual" printer untuk mengkonversi dokumen. Bila Anda ingin mengubah, Anda hanya memilih "Print" di setiap aplikasi (Microsoft Word, misalnya) dan aplikasi mengkonversi dokumen. PDF995 tidak memungkinkan Anda untuk mengkonfigurasi pengaturan untuk preferensi Anda, namun, seperti keamanan atau opsi kompresi.
Fitur lain yang "frustrasi" adalah download dua-bagian yang memerlukan instalasi terpisah dari driver printer dan konverter bebas. Yang membunuh iklan dan pop-up juga mendapatkan sial saat digunakan. Sebagai freeware, PDF995 bukanlah pilihan yang buruk bagi mereka yang membutuhkan alat standar untuk konversi PDF dan tidak keberatan sedikit iklan mengganggu.
Komentar dari Penerbit
Buat file PDF dari aplikasi apapun hanya dengan memilih perintah cetak. Sangat mudah untuk menyesuaikan output PDF995 Anda: preview dokumen, menggabungkan file, mengubah halaman orientasi, tambahkan "Rahasia" perangko, membuat alat tulis PDF, mengatur resolusi gambar, ringkasan dokumen, mengkonversi file PDF ke format beberapa gambar, menciptakan lapangan kerja batch cetak dari Microsoft aplikasi kantor, dan memilih dari metode beberapa penamaan file. Dengan PDF995, Anda dengan mudah dapat mengenkripsi atau digital sign dokumen PDF. PDF995 menggunakan teknologi Microsoft Cryptographic untuk memberikan enkripsi 128-bit DES, yang menawarkan tingkat tinggi dari perlindungan dari semua komunikasi internet Anda, termasuk dokumen-dokumen hukum dan transaksi keuangan. Signature995 menggunakan teknologi Microsoft sertifikat digital untuk membuat dan memvalidasi tanda tangan digital.
Pdf995 Printer Driver | Free Converter | PdfEdit995 | Signature995
Software 995 lainnya
OmniFormat is a free document conversion utility which allows dynamic conversion and image manipulation of over 75 file formats including HTML, DOC, XLS, WPD, PDF, XML, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, PCX, PPT, PS, TXT, Photo CD, FAX, MPEG and more.
PhotoEdit995 allows you to create or edit graphic images, retouch photographs, and perform other alterations on image files including jpeg, gif, tiff, and Photoshop psd. When used with the free Photo Edit graphics module, it is a professional image editing solution whose capabilities rival those of similar programs.
SearchWithin is a free full text index search engine that allows you to search inside the files on your drive or network. It looks beyond the titles and inside PDF, HTML, Text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, WordPerfect and Microsoft PowerPoint documents. SearchWithin works just like major search engines, using advanced querying and full-text search technologies to help you find the information you need fast.
UltraPdf is an exciting, new way to publish and share digital photographs, PDF, HTML and Microsoft Office documents. UltraPdf binds multiple photos and documents into a single, indexed UPDF file making it easy to organize and distribute digital photo albums, project documents and presentations.
Backup995 is a utility that protects against data loss from computer hardware failures and damage from malicious internet viruses. Backup995 is the quick and easy way to safeguard against loss of valuable files. Backup995's Incremental Backup Technology, its Backup Scheduler and its Data Archiving features mean that from now on backups can be done automatically, quickly and on a regular basis
Zip995 is the fast, free way to open and create popular Zip Archive format files. It is fully compatible with other Zip Archive utilities. It includes advanced archiving features such as encryption, variable compression levels, file updating and the ability to create self-extracting zip files.
Ftp995 is a powerful FTP-client for Windows 9x, ME, NT4, 2000 and XP. It provides access to many advanced FTP client features including: the ability to resume Uploads/Downloads (if the server supports it); site manager with folders; timeout detection; firewall support; SOCKS4/5 and HTTP1.1 Proxy support; SSL secured connections; SFTP support; upload/download queue; and drag&drop.
ePad995 allows you to create virtual sticky notes and reminders directly on your Windows desktop. ePad notes are software notes for your computer screen. Jot down tasks, messages, ideas, appointments, phone numbers, birthdays, or just place a memorable quote in a note and stick it on the desktop. ePad notes can be positioned anywhere you wish, or hidden in your task bar. Accessing them is simple, and the notes are even resizable. ePad note contents can be formatted to include fonts, colors, transparency, display mode, effects, hyperlinks, bullets and numbering. You can paste a website URL or email address in an ePad note and have it right on your desktop. The Find feature allows you to quickly locate a note by content or title.
WordBrowser995 is an English language dictionary and thesaurus for your PC desktop. It offers easy access to definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and compound phrases. WordBrowser995 quickly looks up text typed into the Word box in real time. It also looks up selected text in Internet Explorer or the Windows clipboard. It draws from a comprehensive collection of over 150,000 words and phrases to provide the most relevant results.
ClipPad995 helps increase productivity by installing a ClipPad utility that adds functions not available with the standard Windows clipboard. ClipPad helps you to access thousands of 'clips,' instead of just one.
Note: ClipPad995 is not included in Toolset pricing.
The Business Applications Suite consists of professional quality applications for creating, viewing and editing Microsoft Word documents (.doc), Powerpoint presentations (.ppt), FrontPage webpages (.html) and Excel spreadsheets (.xls).
- a full featured word processor with professional formatting and layout tools, spell checking, autocomplete and autoformat as you type.
- a comprehensive spreadsheet with advanced functions and tools for data analysis.
- a presentation application with built in tools to: create and edit drawings, diagrams and pictures; add clipart and animation effects; create slideshows.
Note: OpenOffice995 is not included in Toolset pricing.
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